Michele Vannucchi

Michele Vannucchi

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MICHELE is a self-taught artist who was mainly inspired by JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT, ANDY WARHOL, ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG and FRANCIS BACON.

Art for MICHELE is a continuation of his body, it is a form of energy or OUTPUT! His paintings would be a mash chewed,  processed or sweetened creation of the INPUT… people , music, lights, colours, words, feelings, noise, news, events, fears which he experiences. All these influences would be filtered, packaged and processed by his being, his culture, religion or ( lack of) both on conscious or unconscious level.

According to MICHELE “Everything leaves a mark on life flowing, for me Art is a sour attempt to stop this rushing stream, just for a moment.”

MICHELE’s art is vibrant and colourful! Borders between Neo- Expressionism, Primitivism and Graffiti. He uses random objects and surfaces and incorporates inscription into his paintings, typically covered with text and codes of all kinds, words, letters, numerals, pictograms, logos, symbols and more. His art across all mediums displays a childlike appeal through the development of creating.

To enjoy them, the viewer is not meant to analyse the pictures too carefully!